Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Big plans for the evening

I don't have the Kindle edition but was too lazy to grab a better picture.
Have you all read this series yet? My coworker brought me the whole trilogy this morning, and I was on page 113 by the time I left work. I spent both of my fifteen-minute breaks and my lunch reading (devouring? Because it was my lunch break?) this thing.

I get it, everyone. It reminds me of Gathering Blue, which is high praise for a young adult novel. If you haven't read it yet, go get a copy and then we can have a book club about it.

Sorry to everyone who doesn't give a shit about this, because I'm not posting anything remotely interesting. In fact, I'm ending here so I can go read more before dinner.


  1. I'm on the mokingjay book now. Absolutely love this series.

  2. I couldn't believe how fast I ripped through them. So good! I'm going to try some of her adult fiction next.

  3. Will you message me on how that goes? court at tipsysociety dot com

  4. It turns out I was misinformed - Collins (so far) has only published young adult and children's stuff. I think I'll try reading the Mortal Instruments series (starting with City of Bones) instead. Bummer, huh?
