Thursday, April 7, 2011

Food links

I am taking a quick break from being useful and helping with painting trim to share these with all of you:

Awesome-looking granola recipe from La Tartine Gourmande. Lots of nuts and some maple syrup and stuff. She specifies that it's gluten-free, which is not a thing to me at all but I'm sure will be useful information for someone.

A whiskey/lemon/fresh ginger/honey/scotch drink so bracing and good for you (right?) that they call it the Penicillin Cocktail. For health purposes.

And a blog to read all the back posts from while you're eating that granola stuff and drinking that health drink:
2 birds 1 blog

1 comment:

  1. Well, you know, if it's for health purposes, I'll take a double.
