Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Pre-holiday festivites

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So yesterday I had a nice, quiet evening of pie-baking and sweater-knitting planned. Instead, I got the pies made then went to a bar to hear my friend's band play (I didn't know about the show until very last minute). I brought my knitting with me and made the bouncer* hold it while I looked for my ID, which was terrific. While we were there, a whole bunch of my "group" from high school** arrived from out of town. They were too late for the band, but not too late for beers and catching up! It was great, despite being very unexpected.

 Tonight we're going to a dessert party at Andy's cousin's new house***, then probably stopping at the bars in my hometown on the way back to our house. So Andy's sweater isn't going to be done to wear to dinner tomorrow, but we are going to have fun and see people we don't see very often. I guess it's a satisfactory trade-off!

*Picture a skinny Hells Angel. He just looked at it, confused, while I dug through my purse.
**Full disclosure: I was not an integral member of said group, really.
***I baked a coconut cream pie!

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